Creamy Vegan Mushroom Linguine (aka – the BEST non-dairy pasta sauce you’ll ever have)

Is there anything better than a creamy pasta? I was craving something creamy, carb-y, something a little bit delicious…and was transported back to the night I had Mushroom Stroganoff.


I had the same craving then as well.

But I wanted to make it a bit lighter…not as many spices, stripped back and with more of the focus on the ‘cream’ factor.

Coconut cream on it’s own can be overpowering; especially when we’re talking a classic take on a famed Italian pasta dish (oh, the humanity!).

What would my ex Italian boyfriends mama say? Probably throw me out of the kitchen in a rage.

So, I had to pare back the coconut notes.

Salt and turmeric. Turmeric and salt.

Magic ingredients that seem to add a level of earthiness and cut through the fattiness, instead allowing the pasta to soak up the cream, and not the coconut.



  • YIELD: 4 Servings
  • PREP: 10 mins
  • COOK: 15 mins
  • READY IN: 25 mins



  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil over a medium heat, and sauté onions and garlic until tender and fragrant; about 10 minutes. Stir frequently.
  3. Add the mushrooms, and cook for a further ten minutes. The mushrooms will release water that will evaporate, and they'll cook down by half the original amount (so if you love mushies, feel free to use more!)
  4. Add coconut cream to the onion/mushroom mix and stir well. Bring to a low simmer, add turmeric, salt and pepper, and chilli flakes.
  5. At this point, add the pasta to the pot, and cook until al'dente.
  6. Drain pasta, return to the pot with a small amount of the water the pasta cooked in, and pour the mushroom sauce over the top.
  7. Toss pasta and sauce together well, and serve immediately, with a shower of parsley and some freshly cracked pepper.


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