Raw Chocolate Easter Eggs

  • YIELD: 4 whole 'eggs' (4 eggs Servings)
  • PREP: 5 mins
  • COOK: 15 mins
  • READY IN: 20 mins



  1. Using some coconut oil, 'grease' your chocolate moulds; set aside
  2. Gently melt the cacao butter by using 2 bowls on top of one another; in the bottom bowl, warm water and in the top bowl the cacao butter (or a Thermomix at 37ºC)
  3. In a food processor or blender, mix the melted cacao butter with cacao powder, raw coconut sugar, coconut oil, maca powder and lucuma/mesquite (if using)
  4. Blend until smooth, then gently pour the mixture 1/2 way into each mould; place gently in the freezer to harden up for 15 minutes (there should still be about 1/2 of the mixture left)
  5. Make the ganache:
  6. Blend the coconut oil, cacao powder, hazelnuts and extract (if using) together
  7. Remove the moulds from the freezer and spoon the ganache on top of the hardened chocolate
  8. Pour the remaining chocolate on top of the ganache (don't let any ganache be seen!)
  9. Place back into the freezer for 30 minutes, then pop out of the moulds when ready to serve
  10. To make 'whole eggs', simply use the wet chocolate mix to stick them together!
  11. These little chocolates do melt quickly, so probably aren't suitable for an easter egg hunt! However leave them in the fridge so little bunnies don't eat them all at once!
  12. For the Chocolate Cremé Egg:
  13. Process the cashews until the are a smooth meal
  14. Add the vanilla bean pods, agave syrup, oil and salt and blend until smooth
  15. Spoon a small amount on each frozen half and pour in remaining chocolate
  16. Freeze and serve!

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